Frequently asked questions

What is a custom connector?

A custom connector is another name for a Fivetran function. Fivetran functions allow you to use Fivetran for data sources not natively supported by Fivetran.

How are custom connectors implemented?

They are implemented as cloud functions conforming to an interface defined by Fivetran. Supported cloud providers are

  • AWS Lambda
  • Azure Functions
  • Google Cloud Functions

Can you host my cloud functions for me?

Yes, we can host the functions. We charge a monthly fee plus underlying cloud costs.

How long does it take for you to deliver the connectors?

Typically, we aim to deliver within a week after the initial call. More complex connectors can take longer.

Can you support connectors after delivery?

Yes, for a monthly fee. Contact us for details.

What is a "friendly" data source?

We define a friendly data source as any data source having a mechanism to query only the latest updated data. When this is not the case, it's more complex to get the data in the form expected by Fivetran. For private APIs, we can work with your team to get the API to conform. A last resort is always to do a full sync of the data every time.

Can you provide more general data engineering consulting?

Yes, we consult on a wide range of projects within data engineering, data science, machine learning and analytics. Book a call or contact us to discuss.